Finally, diversity programming is beginning to include faithI could barely contain my excitement a few days ago when the Chattanooga Times Free Press published this article, “Businesses face calls to…Feb 11Feb 11
Published inCurated NewslettersReligious Diversity at WorkGuide to Religious Diversity in the U.S. WorkplaceDec 27, 20231Dec 27, 20231
Published inCurated NewslettersG100 Women Leaders — My PassionInter-cultural Dialogue for EquityDec 7, 20232Dec 7, 20232
Published inCurated NewslettersGoing Green Can be a Tough Public PolicyEnvironmentalists may not be happy with some of the solutions to climate change suggested in an article in Wired Magazine, “Inconvenient…Nov 29, 20233Nov 29, 20233
Published inCurated NewslettersWhy I Support Arts EducationThe Arts have existed since folks drew on cave walls and I suspect that there was some humming and harmony back in the day before song…Nov 16, 20231Nov 16, 20231
Published inCurated NewslettersIn Memory: The Ritchie BoysAn antisemitism perspectiveNov 7, 20231Nov 7, 20231
Published inCurated NewslettersGun control in the spotlight — againThe recent mass killing in Maine will no doubt lead to a loud discussion about gun control. But guns led to more than 200 mass shootings…Oct 28, 20232Oct 28, 20232
Memoir Writing WorkshopSTART WRITING YOUR STORY Guided Workshop with Award-winning Author, Deborah Levine Scroll down to RegisterOct 26, 2023Oct 26, 2023
Published inILLUMINATIONThe Liberator’s DaughterNow is the time to revisit and revitalize my work as a Holocaust Educator. I have been inspired by my father, US military intelligence…Oct 21, 20231Oct 21, 20231
Published inILLUMINATIONThe Science of Storytelling — by Deborah Levine/American Diversity ReportTHU | NOV 02, 2023 | 04.00 PM — 05.00 PM BERLIN TIMEOct 10, 20231Oct 10, 20231